#editorslab Madrid

Under the title Rethinking Live Blogging & Breaking News 12 teams it together to rethink live blogging especially on mobile platforms. From the alert function to the live coverage of an event, which curation and which visualization? How to be more relevant than current live blogging platforms?

Vocento was the winner, and will compete against other winning teams at the Editors Lab Hackdays Final at the GEN Summit 2014 in Barcelona.

DNow is a unique and personalized experience of mobile local news consumption as a key to be involved in the community. Not only to be informed, but also to be engaged. This environment gives us a huge opportunity to listen.

We empower the users to decide wich are the issues they want to be informed about, when and how. DNow give a previous perspective of the main issues going on in the community, so users can decide wich to follow during the day.

Impact on newsroom

This environment gives us a huge opportunity to listen. Metrics on the navigation and users content tell us a lot about people needs, thoughts and insights, helping us to be closer to community we serve, to make a better journalism, based on the public interest and promoting debate and solutions. We can contribute to make things happen.

Impact on people

It invites you join the entire conversation and the context about the issues people care about, to join the place where to find all the voices interacting with each other, committed to make of Navarra a better place to live.


DNow works on a pull and push basis, letting the user to configure the way to interact at any time. Users can set up alerts and be sure about whatever comes up will keep them posted.


We also empower the users giving them the chance to share, comment, vote, and participate on content creation, all in an highly interactive environment.

Presentation on slideshare

Presentation on youtube


We have developed a simple proof-of-concept of the content editor and made it available on http://apptivismo.org/DNow/editor/. A simple mobile app to access the content it's on its way. We need to improve the search engines and the semantic integration of the existing resources and fully develop the mobile app. We could have a working prototype in a month.

The team

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Contact Info

+34 622 629507


Carretera Zaragoza s/n.
31191 Pamplona, Spain